Project Name: Waddle Road/I-99 Interchange
Owner: PennDOT/Patton Township
Client: Patton Township/Erdman Anthony
Location: State College, PA (Centre County)
Challenges to be solved:
1. Increase capacity and improve safety at the interchange and adjacent roadways.
2. Current travel is subject to heavy traffic congestion and queuing, particularly on the I-99 SB/U.S. 322 WB off-ramp.
3. Accommodate the significant growth that is planned in the Toftrees area nearby the interchange.
4. Consider a range of interchange alternatives including – conventional diamond, diverging diamond, partial cloverleaf, roundabouts, and single point urban interchange.
Tasks Completed by TRG:
1. TRG was part of a team of consultants led by Erdman Anthony.
2. Traffic Data Collection.
3. Traffic Interchange Analysis.
4. Traffic Alternatives Report.
5. Traffic Signal design and plans.
6. Agency involvement and coordination.
Success Stories
1. The work concluded with the 11.7 million dollar interchange project being expedited to construction using a design – build delivery approach.