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Taco Bell – Harrington, DE

Project Name: Taco Bell – Harrington, DE
Owner: Summerwood Corporation
Client: Summerwood Corporation
Location: Harrington, DE (Kent County)

Challenges to be solved:

1. Access to the site, which is between the US 13 northbound and southbound separated lanes, needed to be modified.

2. On-site circulation of traffic was modified to account for the changes to the accesses and provide access to the drive thru.

3. Coordinate utility permitting with DelDOT for future additional development to the east of site across US 13 northbound.

4. Coordinate with City of Harrington to annex existing land parcel for the development.

Tasks Completed by TRG:

1. DelDOT Coordination and Transportation Scoping

2. Traffic Counts and Turn Lane Analysis

3. Driveway Access Plan and DelDOT Permitting

4. Utility Crossing DelDOT Permitting

Success Stories

1. Unique site was constructed with designed access modifications to provide needed on-site circulation for the restaurant and drive thru facility.

2. Shoulders and turn lanes were repaved to DelDOT standards and striped to provide left turn lanes for safe and efficient access to the site.