Project Name: King Street Cycle Track
Owner: York City
Client: York City
Location: York, PA (York County)
Challenges to be solved:
1. Provide a 1.7 mile community on-street bike facility traveling both east and west on King Street and connect to the York Heritage Rail Trail/Bicycle PA Route J and the Broad Street Greenway connection/Bike Share Station and Rabbittransit Bus Transfer Center on West King Street. Currently, there is a lack of east-west bicycle connectivity within the City of York, as the current bike lane on King Street provides one-way, east only travel.
2. Design a broad range of safety measures including green markings since Pennsylvania Vehicle Code does not allow for parking protected bike lanes.
3. PennDOT approved two-way cycle track design since the Federal Transportation Alternatives Program is funding the construction.
Tasks Completed by TRG:
1. Traffic Analysis.
2. Environmental and Engineering Scoping Document.
3. Traffic Signal Design and Permit.
4. Signing and pavement marking plans.
5. Roadway construction plans for curb extensions and ADA curb ramps.
6. Railroad/PUC Coordination.
7. PS&E submissions.
8. Public involvement activities.
Success Stories
1. Obtain PennDOT approvals for a ECMS letting date of July 15, 2021.
2. Construction will be completed in 2021.
3. Nearly 1 million is being invested in upgrading the King Street corridor for safer and improved bicycle, pedestrian and transit modes of travel.