Project Name: I-83 Exit 18 Interchange
Owner: PennDOT 8-0
Client: PennDOT 8-0
Location: York, PA (Springettsbury/Spring Garden Township)
Challenges to be solved:
1. The project area is confined by environmental constraints such as Mill Creek and the associated flood plain as well as development constraints such as existing commercial and residential development.
2. Working with new state of the art adaptive signal control technologies (ASCT) TRG worked on optimizing traffic flow in the area of the Exit 18 interchange.
Tasks Completed by TRG:
1. Traffic signal design.
2. Point of Access Study for the interchange.
3. Comparative analysis of over a dozen conceptual improvement plans.
Success Stories
1. When completed the project will save motorists countless hours of vehicle delay and improve safety at the interchange.