Joe Eberly
Joe Eberly, Senior Project Engineer at TRG, recently attended the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Central PA Section October dinner meeting. This meeting celebrated the “100 Year” anniversary of the Penn State University ASCE student chapter. Joe enjoys...
Chris Schwab fondly recalls continued involvement in Spring Grove Soccer
Chris Schwab, Senior Associate and Traffic Engineer at Transportation Resource Group, Inc. (TRG), recalls his experience that led him to volunteer as assistant coach for Spring Grove High School’s girls’ soccer program this year. Ten years ago, Spring Grove’s youth...
Rutter’s 20th Annual Golf Outing for Children’s Charities
Dan Thornton and Joe Eberly participated in Rutter’s annual spring golf outing. TRG participates every year and the event benefits children’s charities in York County.
Junior Acheivement’s BizTown
TRG employee, Val Webb, volunteers at Junior Achievement’s BizTown. BizTown is a simulated town located at 610 S. George Street in York provided for elementary school students within south central Pennsylvania. Before coming to BizTown, the students have learned...
York City’s Hudson Park New Playground
TRG’s team volunteered to help build a new playground in York City’s Hudson Park on September 9th and 10th. It’s located a few blocks from our downtown office. “Hudson Park was selected for this year’s playground build due to having playground components that had worn...
Rutter’s Golf Outing
TRG contributes to Rutter’s Children’s Charities and participates in their Golf Outing held in the spring every year.
Seashore to Summit Bike Ride
TRG is sponsoring a bicycle ride hosted by Fellowship of Christian Athletes to raise money for the Black Mountain Coaches Camp in Black Mountain, NC. TRG principal, Tom Austin, is participating in the three-day, 317-mile trip. This year’s trip is in memory of Camp...
TRG Supports York County Food Bank
Dan and Julie support the York County Food Bank once a month by filling boxes for seniors who are in need and experiencing food insecurity. Julie also assists at the drive-thru distribution at the East York Food Hub held every Tuesday.