Chris Schwab, Senior Associate and Traffic Engineer at Transportation Resource Group, Inc. (TRG), recalls his experience that led him to volunteer as assistant coach for Spring Grove High School’s girls’ soccer program this year.

Ten years ago, Spring Grove’s youth soccer program was looking for more people to volunteer. “I played soccer in high school and started volunteering as a coach when my daughter started playing soccer. I wanted to help out”, Chris recounts.

As he began to serve, Chris decided he wanted to do more. He took coaching classes and even earned a coaching license in an effort to further his knowledge. All in all, he’s been involved with youth soccer in Spring Grove for 10 years; not just as a coach, but also as vice president and president of Spring Grove’s Soccer association for a total of 5 years.

“One of the most satisfying aspects of coaching”, Chris says, “is watching the kids grow. Not just as soccer players, but as people.” He also sees how his daughter has formed and maintained several friendships each season. “Even though they may be on different teams each year, most are still friends to this day.”

Spring Grove’s High School season just started and Chris is ready. He wants to continue coaching soccer for as long as he can.