ASCE Central PA Section November Dinner Meeting
On Wednesday, November 1st, Joe Eberly, TRG Senior Associate, attended the ASCE Central PA Section Dinner Meeting and Technical Presentation in Harrisburg. The meeting at the Penn Harris Hotel included an informative presentation by Ronnie Medlock, PE, VP of Tech Services at High Steel Structures. High Steel produces fabricated steel for I-girder, tub girder, arch, truss, and stay-cable steel bridges. Ronnie is responsible for quality control and for fabrication and inspection technology advancements.
The presentation included information on High Steel’s involvement in the production of the fabricated steel on a very condensed timeline for the emergency work on the I-95 bridge recently compromised by fire from a tanker truck crash. Part of the High Steel’s ability to quickly provide the necessary fabricated steel girders was due to its use of Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), a new inspection testing procedure. PAUT provided testing for quality control for the welds that are used to fabricate the structural steel to the necessary specifications. The presentation was both interesting and informational and showed how the profession can work together to address infrastructure emergencies.